The Queer Portrait Project is a collaboration with the queer community, pairing each participant's narrative with my portrait of them. Queer people are often seen as faceless, autologous, nameless. One queer person becomes a representative and stand-in for a monolithic whole, robbing them of their own autonomous story. The Queer Portrait Project illuminates the breadth, depth, joys, struggles, and particularities of individual members of the queer community. The paintings and writings together allow the viewer to see and identify with the personal, distinctive, and particulate examples of each project contributor.

Friday, March 30, 2012


Mike Hanson: born and raised in Marinette Wisconsin.

When I was sitting for this portrait I was just laid off from my long-term job at a local advertising agency and surprisingly feeling so relieved that I finally had some me time. Don't get me wrong, I loved what I did for work but there has been little time for exploratory events in my life like having my portrait painted for this amazing project, and many other life affirming projects where you can see the true good in yourself and the community. When I look at my face I see sadness, but you should know that I'm excited for what lies ahead.

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